Neuro-psychiatry Services

Dr Shah has special interest and training in Neuro-psychiatry and has been part of comprehensive Mind-Body Rehabilitation Service at the children’s hospital at Westmead in collaboration with Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists. He continues to have clinical and research collaboration with the team.

Opinion is provided for broad range of Neuro-psychiatric conditions including

  • Non-epileptic seizures
  • Broad range of Functional Neurological disorders
  • Complex regional pain syndromes


  1. Scheepers B, Clough P, Pickles C. The misdiagnosis of epilepsy: findings of a population study. Seizure1998;7:403–6.
  2. Stroink H, Van Donselaar CA, Geerts AT, et al. The accuracy of the diagnosis of paroxysmal events in children. Neurology 2003;60:979–82.
  3. 3Leach JP, Lauder R, Nicolson A, et al. Epilepsy in the UK: misdiagnosis, mistreatment, and undertreatment? The Wrexham area epilepsy project. Seizure 2005;14:514–20.
  • Dubai Health Authority
  • American Hospital Dubai
  • Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Australia (RACP)
  • Australian and New Zealand Child Neurology Society, Australia (ANZCNS)
  • Epilepsy Society of Australia (ESA)
  • International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE)
  • International Child Neurology Association (ICNA)